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We help girls and women discover the world of technology

We educate, motivate and launch their IT careers.


8 - 15 years

Teen Girls

15 - 19 years


19 - 99 years


19 - 99 years

What we do


We educate girls in primary and secondary schools, adult women, and teachers.


We bring inspiring stories and break stereotypes about women in IT.

Build a Community

We create a community of women in IT where open-minded men are welcome.

Our Vision

Technology is the future, and we believe women should be part of it. Our goal is to ensure girls and women develop their digital skills or pursue IT careers without barriers.

Our Achievements

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Workshops and events
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Online courses
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Where We Educate


Zuzana Papalová

Zuzka pracuje v IT už viac než 10 rokov. Za tento čas prešla rôznymi pozíciami v rozličných IT firmách a krajinách. Pred tromi rokmi spolu s dlhoročnými priateľmi a bývalými kolegami založila startup CherryPeak v Košiciach. Rada sa v živote posúva, pracuje na zaujímavých projektoch s inšpiratívnymi ľuďmi a prináša niečo hodnotné. Keby si mala opäť vybrať kariérnu cestu, IT by bolo opäť jej voľbou.

Čítaj viac

Teach with us!

We’re looking for volunteers to lead workshops for girls and women across Slovakia and inspire them to explore the IT world.

What's New

Inspirations in Poland

We love to learn, even more if it involves getting to know new places and people – this time we

Dutch inspirations vol. 2

At the beginning of the summer, as part of our internal Erasmus learning and inspiration-seeking, we went to the Netherlands,

Do you have any questions?

We will be happy
to answer them