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Helping girls and women discover the world of technology

We educate, motivate and launch their IT careers.

Award Women in ICT

slovak women in tech

10. october 2024

City Theatre P. O. Hviezdoslava, Bratislava​

Spoznaj Podpor Objav ženský potenciál v IT

Our mission

We help create an environment where ICT becomes accessible to all women.


Denisa Miklušová

Denisa je nadšenkyňa, ktorú nové technológie zaujímajú odmala. Je príkladom toho, že žena môže zmeniť druh zamestnania. Z účtovníčky sa stala špecialistkou na kontroling. Potom niekoľko rokov strávila na materskej i rodičovskej dovolenke a popritom spravovala škôlkarsky web či zháňala granty. Neskôr sa stala produktovou manažérkou pre mobilné aplikácie a najnovšie začína v digitálnej oblasti pre biznisových zákazníkov.

Čítaj viac

Aktuálne u nás

Inspirations in Poland

We love to learn, even more if it involves getting to know new places and people – this time we were exploring similar organisations in the capital of Poland with an Erasmus grant. In the third week of June, members of our team visited Warsaw, Poland, where they met with the organisation Cyfrowy Dialog and visited the Women in Tech 2024 Summit.

Woman in IT 2024: Nominations for the new prestigious award are published

We are changing the country for the better and that’s why we came up with another project – the 1st Women in IT Award. Its aim is to deepen the idea of women entering IT and supporting them in this sector. At the same time, we want to express public recognition and thanks to all those who help this idea in Slovakia.

Dutch inspirations vol. 2

At the beginning of the summer, as part of our internal Erasmus learning and inspiration-seeking, we went to the Netherlands, where we first visited the big European Women in Technology conference in Amsterdam and then met with representatives of Stichting Netwerkpro, an association that, like us, focuses on women’s education.

May waves of inspiration

May is quite busy for all of us in Aj Ty v IT. Schools are finishing up the year and we are finishing up with them. Everyone in our team knows they need to save a lot of energy for May.

Our “Women academies” in the world’s top ten programmes

The European Innovation Council and the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises have ranked You in IT among the world’s best examples of good practice with the highest benefits for individuals. They selected from 47 activities in 36 countries.

Lektoruj s nami!

Hľadáme dobrovoľníkov a dobrovoľníčky, ktorí nám pomôžu viesť workshopy pre dievčatá a ženy z celého Slovenska a podnietiť v nich záujem o svet IT.

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