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The Skills4life project is aimed at secondary school girls from all over Slovakia. It aims to support girls’ competitiveness on the labour market in two ways. One of them is the development of soft skills, the other is specialised IT courses focused on the development of technical skills. 

Secondary school girls will gain a lot of new experience

Skills4life will run for three years and thanks to this project, secondary school girls will learn about safe behaviour on the internet, learn how to use Canva to create simple graphics, learn the principles of project management and much more. At the same time, girls can also choose from a wide range of other interesting courses focused on digital product creation, data analysis or IT security, where they can deepen their skills in these topics. 

An IT career doesn’t have to be a dream anymore

We will try to increase the interest of high school girls in studying IT at universities by giving them the opportunity to visit individual IT faculties in Slovakia, where they will be accompanied by a student of the faculties and experience a day as a college student. 

Female students from areas with little access to quality IT education will have better opportunities to pursue careers in the IT sector through the project, enabling them to achieve financial independence and autonomy. 

In three years we will help 2600 high school girls

To support the development of girls’ IT education, we will produce a Teachers’ Guide for male and female teachers, which emphasises the approach to girls’ IT education.

The Skills4life project aims to reach 2,600 girls and 600 male and female teachers nationwide. The project’s soft skills focus and IT courses are also designed to help those girls who choose not to continue their studies at university to be better prepared for the labour market.

The “Call for Education 2023” was launched by UniCredit Foundation across 10 countries where UniCredit operates, inviting the Group’s local banks to identify and share a short-list of outstanding local social projects focused on tackling early school leaving, encouraging university attainment, and providing youth with adequate skills to enter the job market.

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